Jan 25, 2008

Finally get to wear my "winter dress"

I bought this dress 2 months ago but at that time, the weather wasn't cold enough for me to wear it. I was actually a little hesitant to buy it coz it's a "winter" dress (thick & woolly). Means that I'll never get to wear again if I move back to Spore.

However, Farene (another avert shopper that can rival me) declared it very "Donna Karen" & a "MUST BUY!"
Hence I was sold...

Think I am a little crossed eye in this picture...

Add on a coat which matches my stockings... nice & warm!

Again, I love stockings...

Story of the "useless daughter"

I learnt a new chinese phrase. It has been used to describe me in more than 1 occasion. The 1st time I heard it was during the Sogo anniversary sale... A colleague heard how much I spent & went 你這個敗家女
你這個 = YOU!!
敗家女 = Bai(4) Jia(1) Nu(3)

It's used to describe a useless daughter that wastes away her entire family fortune.

In other words - I spend a lot of $$ lah

I must say, the Taiwanese has a real cool way of using the chinese language.

So the story of the useless daughter continues...

Guess what I bought!

It was screaming out at me with a NTD1,980 price tag!

Close up of the very discrete logo

Usual price is...

Comes with an extra detachable padding

More than enough to fit my notebook
Padded but not too bulky
With compartments!
This will be my "something new" for CNY. Comes in brown as well!
And no, I do NOT get commission!

Jan 23, 2008

"Tattoo" stockings

Ok people have been complaining that I have not been updating my blog.

My latest fetish (not SKII): Stockings!! Love the cold weather - gives me the excuse to experiment with all types of stocking - they make every outfit look good! And no need to shave my legs! Oh yah of course they also keep me warm.

One colleague came up to me & said: "You know, I bought all these colourful stockings but I didn't have the courage to wear them... coz you know they are kind of loud. But now, after seeing you, I think I have found the courage!"
Ok, glad I made a difference. Haha wait till i start wearing halter in summer.

Maybe I will start with sleeveless.

And I will definitely shave my armpits.

Anyway, back to the topic: This pair of stockings invited quite a lot of comments.. (technically I should say compliments, but considering they are Taiwanese, I feel the need to discount 50%).
Come on I have been called BONY(??!!). I am not deluded ok.

Back to my stockings.

Is this very:
1. "LA(4)" aka HOT?
2. "XUAN(4)" aka showy
3. SEXY (?!) (wonder what they will say in summer)

Ideally the lines should be straight, but due to a bit of bow legged-ness & thigh problem, the lines became a bit crooked. Well we can't all be supermodels.

Looks as if I got tattooed legs!

This photo is to show a friend how I recycle my summer work clothes (Layer Layer Layer!) In case you don't recognize it, it's my overpriced short sleeve wrap dress from Mng, which I swore to wear for the next 10 years.

Another point to note: my mirror is super slimming.
Seriously mng boutique mirror that kind of slimming.

Now I am on the hunt of a pair of bright RED shin length stockings to wear with black capris!
Think Mng Autumn/Winter07. Target to get them by CNY!

Red what.

Jan 7, 2008


Sun afternoon in UCL. Ah fat just finished grocery shopping at my friendly neighbourhood Sogo. There was an SKII roadshow ongoing. A promoter passed me a voucher & said i can redeem FREE SAMPLE at the counter. So Ah Fat thought: "wah new product!! & i need sample size skin when for travelling!! free what... ok may as well..."

So Ah fat went to the SKII counter to redeem these:

The SKII counter girl (SCG) gave Ah fat a consultation on their products & Ah fat realized she does need a moisturizer after all...

Ah Fat: Oh so the Advance Signs Treatment I have been using is NOT a moisturizer!
SKII counter girl (in the Taiwanese "teh" slang): Oh no, it's to be used AFTER the moisturizer.

Ah Fat (knowing she has a drawer FULL of sample moisturizers that can be used): Ok, then I guess I should get today since you have promotion. What's the offer?

SKII counter girl: Buy the Aqua Physics moisturizer & you get travel size cleanser, toner & miracle water free, plus 10% disc.. BUT if you buy BOTH the Aqua Physics serum & moisturizer, you not only get 2 travel sets free, YOU ALSO GET THE HALF SIZE MIRACLE WATER FREE! very worth it the loh... (tehness in full strength now)

Ah Fat (resistance level left 10%, ignores warning bells in her head telling her that she has a drawer FULL of unused samples & free gifts...): Oh wow! OK! I get both!

SKII counter girl: So do you need anything else? what about eyecream?

Ah Fat: Oh no no no, I have too many eyecream. I am currently alternating among 3 types because I buy too many!

SKII counter girl: Oh, well we giving away 5 pairs of our eye mask with every purchase of the Advance Signs Treatment eye cream. Let me show you!


SKII counter girl: Yes our eye mask sells for $12 a pair! And it's really quite effective.

Ah Fat the sucker: Yes I know! I use your eye mask! Ok I'll take the eye cream as well!


Honestly can anyone resist??

Buy eye cream, free eye mask

New from SKII & endorsed by Karen Mok: Aqua Physics serum & moisturizer

Ah Fat the sucker's final conquest:

That not the end... Ah Fat also got a bonus gift: sample set of the top 10 beauty products in Sogo:

ALL these are just the free gifts alone!!

Once again, Taiwan IS skin care shopping paradise!

Jan 3, 2008

Xmas with the Fambly

A picture says a thousand words (got the idea from Bobo hahaha)

Ok this part I MUST comment: CSB got a frigging Hello Kitty Toaster from Bobo!
The toasted bread will even have a Hello Kitty face! Kinda cute if you are a kitty fan

And the rest of us...

There is no better way to celebrate Xmas!

Jan 2, 2008

I LOVE 2008!!!!!!!

2008 going to be a great year! I can feel it in my bones!
Plus I am so happy to be back in Singapore to end 2007 & start off 2008.

Since it's NY & all, I shall try & be nostalgic & come up with a list of "Things I missed most about Singapore" (not in any sort of order):
- Public transport
yes yes I too complain about cab being expensive, long waiting time for buses & mrt... wait till u go stay in UCL with non-existent public transport

- Running in MacRitchie

- My fambily

- My REAL blood related family

- The folks in Veri itchy Singapore office

- Mng & Zara

- Gripz

- Spize

- Nightlife!!

Will upload more nonsense xmas + NY photos later!!