Feb 23, 2009

25 random things about myself

Posted this on facebook after being tagged by Bobo. Decided to recycle the material.

1. I love my family to bits. I complain & bitch about them all the time. But I'll hammer anyone that dares to bad mouth them.

2. I too, have 4 friends whom I feel completely comfortable with. We annoy one another all the time by flashing our panties, rolling our eyes at stupid jokes, making fun of our various idiosyncrasies. But most importantly, we will stand by one another through everything. I love you {()}s!!!

3. I have another friend, linked to 1 of the 4 friends above. We don't flash undies at each other, but we have shared some great memories together & we will always be there for each other. I will always admire her courage to pursue her happiness & not conform to society norms.

4. The smell of car fumes always remind me of Tainan, where I was born.

5. My favourite perfume is Chance by Chanel.

6. I fulfilled my dream of visiting the Red Square in Moscow in 2006, when I backpacked thru Berlin, Moscow, St Petersburg & Tallin alone. My next dream is to visit Siberia via the Tran-Siberian railway. Alone.

7. I love solo travelling. I do whatever I like. No compromises.

8. I was a size 38... long time ago

9. I have never been to the US.

10. I hate tour groups & hope I'll never be forced to join one.

11. I envy my married or soon to be married friends for having found the one & also the happily married-with-kids people I know. I often wonder if I will ever have that.

12. No offence to people with kids, but I do not like kids. Toddlers that have not learnt how to speak are acceptable. Infants are too fragile, I always feel that I might kill one by accident. Kids that talk scare me.

13. Sometimes I fantasize about quitting my job & moving to a poor 3rd world country & be a volunteer, or a globetrekker host.

14. I was a part time estee lauder counter gal aka beauty advisor for 5 years. I will always cherish those memories.

15. I love George Clooney ever since I was 13. He was Dr Ross in ER. The eternal bachelor that no woman could tame. I still adore him & I still want to sleep with him.

16. Sometimes I like being alone. I enjoy having a cup of coffee in a nice cafe, no phone, no book, just staring into space. I'll pop into the movie theatre & catch a movie alone. I can in my apartment for the entire weekend & not speak to anyone.

17. I love tofu & red bean. I can eat them in any form, maybe except raw.

18. I am beginning to find Singaporeans rude, compared to the Taiwanese.

19. I miss having a ciggie after a heavy meal or over a cup of coffee, in a nice outdoor cafe, during winter.

20. I almost flunked out of NUS during my 1st year - I stayed in hall & partied too much. I moved out after year 1.

21. I have been molested on the MRT before. I fell asleep & felt some asshole touch my knee.

22. When people tell me that I am tall, I resist the urge to retort: "Wow is that right? I never realized that!" I will never go up to a short person & say "Wow u are so short!" Or go up to a fat person & say" Oh my, you are fat..." What make people think that it's alright to comment on tall people?

23. I love Germany. Berlin is my fav city in the world.

24. I am a WWII buff. Nazi Germans declaration of war in europe, the holocaust, operation barbarossa, siege of leningrad, Stalingrad battle, Jap occupation... And I love WWII movies, especially european ones.

25. I am fascinated by russian history... from Ivan the terrible to Catherine the Great to Stalin to Lenin.

Feb 22, 2009

blogging break

A lot going on in the office now. Not in the mood to blog. Prefer to spend my free time staring into space. Hope I get over this phase soon...