Aug 31, 2008

3 weeks down. 9 more to go

My marathon grand plan is NOT going well... I am so sick of my UCL running route.
Can't wait to go back to Spore & run!!
And bossie told me to make my next trip back to Spore a long one.
We are now on travel budget control so I can only make 1 trip back this Q instead of the usual 2.... so may as well make the best out of this one trip. Yippie!!!

Aug 29, 2008

Fatcat's calling?

We had our quarterly Asia team meeting this week. 3 full days.
3 weeks before this meeting fatcat was arrow-ed to do a 45mins presentation on : "Email communication in English".
Apparently bossie say Fatcat writes fantastic emails to "high level mgt" so team-mates must learn from her wor...

So as usual fatcat procrastinated & procrastinated. All the way until the night before the presentation.... and started doing the slides at 10PM all the way till 2AM... AND only managed to complete 70% of the slides. Luckily the presentation was in the afternoon & fatcat used her lunch break to complete it.

Guess what... despite the last min effort, everyone was DAZZLED ha.

Fatcat has found her calling.

Aug 28, 2008


Will be locked in full day meetings for 3 days. My slides are 30% complete. Caught between mutiple timezoned-interdepartment colleagues. I think need another holiday.

Aug 19, 2008

Snow Mountain

Over the weekend, I conquered Snow Mountain 雪山 - Taiwan's 2nd highest peak.

Wuling Farm 武陵農場 is where we will start our Snow Mt climb. We arrived the day before & spent the night at the campsite

At an elevation of almost 2000m, Wuling Farm was originally a fruit growing area for retired soldiers (hence the name). Now it's part of the Sheipa National Park 雪霸國家公園.

I got a tent all to myself!

Think the they were inspired by the Kampong.

Its 6AM...

The climb begins... & yes that's an umbrella.

A lotus print one no less. 7th month u know...

2 hrs later, we arrived at Snow Mt's famous slope

The climb wasn't so bad. In fact, I was more amused by the English.

Rained for last 30mins of our climb.

But mother nature made it up to us after we arrived at base camp...

Since it's summer, 太陽公公 aka the sun raises at 430am
To be on time to catch the sunrise at the summit, we had to wake up at 12AM

We reached the summit in record time - 3hrs instead of the usual 4

And had plenty of time to catch our breath before sunrise...

The view is absolutely stunning.

The descend begins...

Or so we thought... we made it to the summit so fast, our guide decided that we were fit enough to conquer another peak - 北稜角峰:North something something Peak

We had to climb up the gravel to get to the summit
The rocks were damn loose & all of us kept slipping down.

I was scared shitless.
Am amazed that I managed to take photo

But we made it! Summit#2: 北稜角峰!!

And we descended safely, for the 2nd time.

Now back in UCL. Aching like mad.

Dreaming about my next destination haha

Aug 11, 2008

My new investment

Merrell Waterpro Maipo - Can be used both on land & in water.

- I destroyed my last pair of Nike cross training shoes on Jade Mt
- My new Asics are running shoes, not for cross training
- My new Asics have to see me through a marathon
- These are pretty enough...
so I'll can wear them on all my future backpacking trips!

The damage: SGD100

Photo from

ceking = 洗衣王 (xi yi wang)

C E King aka 洗衣王 is a 24hr laundromat opposite my apartment
洗衣 = Xi Yi = C E ...geddit?

Dunno why, but i find this highly amusing.
This is how I entertain myself in UCL.

Aug 7, 2008

What is ceking?

It's the name of a shop opposite my apartment. Guess what shop is it?
I gotto hand it to the Taiwanese... only they are creative enough to come up with cool names like that.

Cannot cheat hor, no goggling!

Anik, want or not?

Adidas ClimaWind Jacket - Black with pink logo.

And my mirror is soooooo dirty haha.

Aug 5, 2008

12 weeks to Success!

Nope, not a diet plan. But if I succeed I'll fit, toned & slim!!
Will be keeping track of my marathon training progress on the sidebar.
Move over Ah Fat... The Bionic Puss is back!

OMG!! can I make it?

Good news is Nono is coming to run with me!!!!
My 12 week marathon training starts TONIGHT!

Aug 3, 2008

Yushan: Wet & Foggy

Must post my Yushan photos to prove that the trip wasn't fictitious haha. I kenna damn shitty weather so the trip can be described in 3 words: Wet & Foggy

Like Mt KK, we opt for the 2 day climb.
Day 1: 6 hrs climb to base camp 排云山莊
Day 2: Summit climb at 2am to the main peak
Conclusion: The climb is peanuts compared to Mt KK

Weather looked good when we set off

Then it got foggy
& foggier

The it got wet AND foggy so no mood to take photo.

Next day: Summit climb in the rain
No photo coz trying not to slip & fall 3900 metres & die without my body ever being found...

Made it!
Told you it was wet & foggy

Can't see shit

Weather cleared as we descend
It would have been a relatively enjoyable climb. Pity about the weather.
Then 1 week later my guide led another group & sent me this

This is THE view if the weather was good.